review linear algebra

brief review

inner product

motivation of define inner product

for w and z in complex space, we expect that the inner product of w with z equals the complex conjugate of the inner product of z with w

property of inner product(by define

=0 <=> v = 0
only in the first slot:
= +



adjoint of T:= T*



eigenvalue of T = complex conjugate of eigenvalue of T*

self adjoint: T=T*

in complex inner product space,T=T* =0 <=> v=0

T: SELF adjoint operator, T=T*

in real inner product space(ie, v=v_bar),T=T* =0 <=,(!=>) v=0


T is self adjoint => T has an eigenvalue (prove in p135)

symmetry matrix = self adjoint operator T



normal operator

An operator on an inner-product space is called normal if it commutes with its adjoint:= $A^*A = AA^*$

A commute with B <=> ab=ba

Any two diagonal matrices commute

A is normal operator <=> $|Av|=|A*v|$


for any T: eigenvalue of T = complex conjugate of eigenvalue of T
if engenvalue is real => equals
T is normal => eigenvalue of T = eigenvalue of T
, eigenvector eaquls too

spectral theorem:

motivation: want an operator has a diagonal matrix with respect to an orthonormal basis (precisely, the basis consists the eigenvectors of T) in spectral theorem, $T=XDX^T$

F=C + requirement <=> T is normal operator – complex spectral theorem

F=R + requirement <=> T is self-adjoint operator – real spectral theorem

every symmetry matrix has the factorization $A=Q\LambdaQ^T$, Q: orthonormal eigenvectors matrix

$A = A^T$ <=> A have n eigenvalues and n real orthogonal eigenvectors

positive matrix: T is self-adjoint and $\ >= 0$ for all v

every orthogonal projection is positive


below are equivalent:

1. T is positive

2. $v^T T v>0$ for all v!=0

3. self-adjoint(ie. symmetry for real space) + all eigenvalues are positive

self-adjoint => exist orthonormal basis X(eigenvectors) and diagonal matrix(eigenvalues), st, $TX=X\Lambda$

4. can be writen as $R^T R$, R has independent cloumns

5. determinants of submatrix are positive

determine whether pd?

cal all eigenvalue - should be all positive – aviod

see pivots - should be all positive


application: a twice continuously defferentiable multivariable function is convex iff it hessian is PD.

:= property of convex function
if A PD => A can be written as $A = A^{1/2}A^{1/2}$ A^{1/2}>0;

orthonormal and orthogonal

vectors {v1,v2,v3,…vn} are orthonormal <=> = vi^T vj=0, j!=i

matrix wirh orithonomal cols => orthogonal matrix <=> $QQ^T=I$

Gram-schmidt process - create orthonormal vectors


singular, non-invertible <=> detA=0

non-singular, invertible <=> detA!=0



THREE way to cal determinant

1.elimination: $A=P\bar{A}$, $|A|=|P||\bar{A}|$, $|\bar{A}|$ is upper triangle => product of diagonal entries

determinant of corner submatrix $A_k$ is d_1d_2…d_k

pivors from determinant: kth pivot $d_k=|Ak|/|A{K-1}|$

2. big formular

n! trem operation

3. determinant by cofactors formular


calculation: $det(A-\lambdaI)=0$

elimination does not preserve eigenvalues => row operation change eigenvalues

=> eigenvalue of A do not equals $\bar{A}$

the product of the n eigenvalues equals the determinant of A (no row change)

<= $|A|=|\lambda||I|$
=> eigenvalues of $\bar{A}$ = (-1 if row change exist)product of diagonal entries = determinant
=> no eigenvalues = 0 <=> product of eigenvalues != 0 <=> A is not invertiable
=> pivots and eigenvalues have the same sigh

sum of n eigenvalues equals the sum of the n diagonal entries of A

p279 Gilbert Strang


A have n independent eigenvectors <=> A is diagonalizable

=> about eigenvectors enough or not
=> symmetry matrix is always diagonalizable

eigenvectors can be chosen orthonormal

$AX=X\Lambda$, X is invertiable => $A=X\LambdaX^{-1}$ => A is diagonalizeble

diagonalizability - eigenvectors
| no connection
invertiablity - eigenvalues

A have n different eigenvalues =>(!<=) n independent eigenvectors => diagonalizable