course notes of Introduction of computer vision
image formation
- four factors for production of image
- composition
- illumination
- image formation
- dithering
: a process to increase the number of grey levels and colours that can be produced via a digital device
eg. for 2x2 array of pixels, by dithering get 5 gray level instead of 2
: study of behaviour of light
human visual system
- flexible
- Iris:
- adjust the size of the pupil
- pupil
- adjustable opening
- Retina
- structure
- central part: Fovea
- ~2 degree
- others: Periphrey
- a small area: blind spot
no visual sensation
- central part: Fovea
- Photoreceptors
- rods and cones
|low luminacs vision <1cd m2|high="" luminiance="" vision="">100cd/m2|
|scotopic(green) vision|photopic(red))vision|
|~120 million per retina|~7 million per ritina|
|one type, peak spectral response at 510nm|three type, peak spectral res at S/red, M/blue, L/blue nm|
|primarily located outside the forvea|primarily located inside the forvea|- ganglion cell
- receptive field:
- spatial contrast
- color contrast
- receptive field:
- ganglion cell
- rods and cones
- structure
- optical nerve
- LGN: Lateral geniculate nucleus
- V1 primary visual contax